Welcome to the Transfer Alerting ServiceThe NISO Transfer Code of Practice sets out best practices for scholarly publishers to ensure that journal transfers between parties occur with minimum disruption and that the content remains accessible. The Transfer Alerting Service (TAS) has been designed to facilitate communication of journal transfers and is hosted by the International ISSN Centre. The TAS is made up of:
- A database of journal transfers which can be searched or browsed. This allows librarians and other interested parties to access the details of journal transfers announced through the TAS and provides an archive of transfer information supplied by publishers using the service.
- A notification service available through an RSS feed or by signing-up to a dedicated mailing list. Librarians, information professionals, and representatives of other organisations with an interest in journal transfers are encouraged to sign up to the list. Every time a journal transfer is announced through the TAS, registrants receive email alerts detailing the journal(s) involved, bibliographic information, and contact details for the publishers involved.
- An API which may be used by interested parties to query or integrate with the TAS.
Publishers are required to register with the ISSN International Centre to provide journal transfer information for announcement through the TAS. Under the terms of the Code, endorsing publishers are required to use the service whenever they receive a new journal. In order to log transfer notifications, publishers need to have an ISSN International Centre account and log-in. For publishers not yet registered with the ISSN International Centre, an account will need to be created. Please contact transfer@issn.org. For complete information about the Transfer Code of Practice please visit the NISO website (https://www.niso.org/standards-committees/transfer).  To the extent possible under law, https://journaltransfer.issn.org/ has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the Transfer Alerting Service. This work is published from: France, through an intergovernmental organization (ISSN International Centre). |
ETAS RSS 2.0 Feed 
Journal of X-ray science and technology (Print)
Print ISSN: 08953996 Online ISSN: 10959114
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:14:56
Work (Reading, MA)
Print ISSN: 10519815 Online ISSN: 18759270
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:14:49
Web intelligence (Print)
Print ISSN: 24056456 Online ISSN: 24056464
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:14:40
Journal of vestibular research (Prins)
Print ISSN: 09574271 Online ISSN: 18786464
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:14:32
Translational science of rare diseases (Print)
Print ISSN: 22146490 Online ISSN: 22146512
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:14:22
Technology and health care
Print ISSN: 09287329 Online ISSN: 18787401
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:14:09
Technology and disability (Print)
Print ISSN: 10554181 Online ISSN: 1878643X
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:14:01
Semantic web (Print)
Print ISSN: 15700844 Online ISSN: 22104968
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:13:50
STEM journal (Online)
Print ISSN: 15981002 Online ISSN: 27336492
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:13:41
Journal of smart cities and society (Print)
Print ISSN: 27723577 Online ISSN: 27723585
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:11:40
Statistical journal of the IAOS
Print ISSN: 18747655 Online ISSN: 18759254
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:11:27
International shipbuilding progress
Print ISSN: 0020868X Online ISSN: 15662829
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:11:15
Strength, fracture and complexity
Print ISSN: 15672069 Online ISSN: 18759262
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:11:01
Journal of sports analytics (Print)
Print ISSN: 2215020X Online ISSN: 22150218
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:10:50
Restorative neurology and neuroscience
Print ISSN: 09226028 Online ISSN: 18783627
Effective transfer date: 2025-01-01 To: Sage From : IOS Press 2025-02-07T11:10:41